847-697-0096 by message info@elginadventist.org


understanding young people and training its youth for leadership and service to humanity.

Spring Camporee








Pathfinder Group Page: faithlife.com/esac-pathfinders

Upcoming Events

About Pathfinders

The Pathfinder Club is a church-centered spiritual-recreational-activity program designed for young people 10 to 15 years of age. Pathfindering appeals to this age group because its program features activities that meet their needs and interests. Much of the Pathfinder Club program is built around physical action. This is because youth from 10 to 15 years of age are in a fast-growing physical stage of development. It is filled with action, adventure, challenge, group activities, and provides opportunities for the development of new attitudes and skills that produce personal growth, team or community spirit and a sense of loyalty and respect for God, His Creation, and His church.

Club Structure


10 Years Old

Friends are Pathfinders in 5th grade. Honors include Red Alert, Basic Sewing, Dogs, Beginning Swimming, Scrapbooking, Model Cars, and Camping Skills I.


11 Years Old

Companions are Pathfinders in 6th grade. Honors include Drilling and Marching, Leather Craft, Sign Language, Reptiles, Flowers, Basketball, and Camping Skills II.


12 Years Old

Explorers are Pathfinders in 7th grade. Honors include Christian Grooming and Manners, Family Life, Cake Decorating, Textile Painting, Track and Field, Basic Rescue, and Camping Skills III.


13 Years Old

Rangers are Pathfinders in 8th grade. Honors include Christian Citizenship, First Aid, Quilting, Photography, Bee Keeping, Automobile Mechanics, and Camping Skills IV.


14 Years Old

Voyagers are Pathfinders in 9th grade. Honors include Internet, Scuba Diving, Communications,  Genealogy, Paper Quilling , Outdoor Leadership, and Wilderness Living. 


15 Years Old

Guides are Pathfinders in 10th grade. Honors include Digital Photography, Christian Drama, Geocaching, Copper Enameling, House Painting – Interior, Pioneering, and Junior Youth Leadership.

Pathfinder Bible Experience

The Pathfinder Bible Experience is a team challenge that focuses on immersion in the Word of God. Four levels of play each Pathfinder year culminate in an official NAD Pathfinder event held on the third Sabbath of April at a large venue somewhere in the NAD.

Pathfinder Honors Academy

Adventist Youth Honors are a core portion of the overall Pathfinder curriculum. There are close to 300 Honors that can be earned, covering a wide variety of interests, from art to music to vocational pursuits.

Pathfinders Camporee

Starting with the annual spring camporee leading to the big one. Happening every five years, the International Pathfinder Camporee takes place in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The club joins over 50,000 Pathfinder from over 100 countries for the largest five-day Adventist Youth Event in the world. Next one is August 2024

Want to Join The Club?

Ready to join something that can change a life?
Number one priority of our club program is the personal salvation of every Pathfinder. The Pathfinder age is a time when many decisions are being made that will affect the youth’s future relationships and his or her own personal development. 

Contact us about membership and we'll get right back to you

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